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Int 16 Fn FFF5  U - PC Tools V5.1-8.0 Desktop - Get Screen Attribute Arra  [U]

   AX = FFF5h

Return: ES:BX -> screen attributes data structure (see below)
   AL = ??? (v6.0+)

Format of attribute data structure:
Offset Size    Description
 -1    BYTE    attribute for desktop background
 00h   BYTE    attribute for normal characters on desktop menu
 01h   BYTE    attribute for highlighted characters on desktop menu
 02h  5 BYTEs  ???
 07h   BYTE    attribute for dialog boxes
 08h 15 BYTEs  ???
 17h   BYTE    attribute for message boxes

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson